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Showing posts from October, 2017

E25S5 Non-linguistic Representation Part 1

Non-linguistic representation is a powerful strategy to use in both teaching and learning. My grade-level has began a PLC on this very strategy, in search of taking student understanding to the next level. In this new series, PLC, I share my learning with all of you, as well as how I'm incorportating it in my class. Won't you join me in my journey?  0:00 Intro  5:01 ASCD Article on nonlinguistic representation 6:29 Visuals for sight words 8:27 Actually just getting to the ASCD article now, because I lag that much (point 3, students need to explain their representations) 10:59 Back tracking to talk about the article's intro 12:54 Thinking about our second unit, Senses 20:00 The 5 points of the article (don't you like how I started backwards? I couldn't make things more confusing if I tried) 22:52 Crucial information should be depicted in nonlinguistic representation 25:00 Students need to explain their nonlinguistic representation (also my big get away, aka ...

E24S5 Keeping Teacher Talk Time Minimal

Teachers like to talk. A lot. This leaves students with little time to explore, discover, and solidify important concepts and understandings. This episode explores how teachers can minimize their talk time in order to give students ample learning time. Listen to learn strategies to help you maximize your talk time while keeping it short, as well as ways to develop good work habits in your students (because if work time is increased, good work habits is very necessary).  0:00 Intro  1:33 What John Hattie has to say about direct instruction 5:01 Direct Instruction has a decent effect size (0.6) 6:15 Direct instruction explained Tami style  7:11 The MOST effective "thing"  12:08 Teacher credibility as defined by the Hattie man himself 13:39 Up close and personal  15:03 How can we keep direct instruction minimal? 15:30 Good structure 16:06 The structure I use (it belongs to Lucy Calkins) 21:37 What curriculum is not...and what it is 26:00 What time is it...

E23S5 How to Survive a Bad Day

Everyone has a bad day every now and again for one reason or another. However, your bad day doesn't have to turn into a horrible day. In this episide, I share some coping strategies I use to help survive a bad day. Listen to find out some tips to use when you find yourself confronted with a bad day.    0:00 Intro 0:44 Tiny topic explanation and backstory to this episode 3:59 Stop and breathe 6:35 Give your permission to not be at 100% 10:03 Something to look forward to  14:45 Figure out the cause  18:15 Communication  21:37 Check your attitude 26:34 Am I giving someone or something too much power over my emotions?  30:53 Take care of yourself in general, and in the moment 33:07 Take a moment 34:43 Enjoy your students 40:11 outro  40:53 Blooper  Contact: Twitter: @TamiJ123 Podcast show notes & listen online: Facebook page: Time to Teach ...

E22S5 Fostering a Love of Reading With Bekki Strong & Lisa Clarke

I sit down with our literacy coach, Bekki Strong, and 3rd Grade teacher, Lisa Clarke, to discuss how to foster a love of reading in our students. We do this by examining a few key parts to Alfie Kahn's article, "How To Create NonReaders", as well as discuss some of what we do in our own classrooms and at school. 0:00 Intro  0:47 Introducing  3:39 How to Create Nonreaders article by Alfie Kahn 5:32 Quantify reading assignments 13:34 Student choice in their reading 16:41 Writing Book Reports 21:04 Reading Logs 27:00 What we're doing to try to get our students to love reading 27:45 Family Reading Night 30:44 Lisa's after-school book club 33:23 Book talks 36:32 Wrapping up the article 37:47 Student Segment  47:17 Conclusion 47:30 Outro Contact: Twitter: @TamiJ123 Podcast show notes & listen online: Facebook page: Time to Teach Facebook Groups: Teachers for Effec...

E21S5 Making Your Classroom Student Centered

An effective learning environment is one which centers around the students, not the teacher. This episode explores some ways teachers can create a student centered environment so that learning is maximized.  0:00 Intro  3:24 Definition of Student Centered 4:31 Clutter & junk 11:50 Dump Your Desk  16:08 Say goodbye to sitting in rows 19:30 Guided Choices 22:50 Vary the furniture 28:55 Create Comfortable spaces 32:46 How I implement student choice in my classroom 39:35 Partnerships and group work 48:32 Outro  References: ASCD Article   Contact: Twitter: @TamiJ123 Podcast show notes & listen online: Facebook page: Time to Teach Facebook Groups: Teachers for Effective Curriculum Teachers Who Podcast (a group for educators who also podcast): My blog:...