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E13S3 (Back To School)-Rethinking Homework: An Interview With Math Coach Aimee Buchanan

Meet Aimee. She's an instructional math coach who has opened the door to homework changes in our elementary school section. Finding herself at a crossroads when her students grew frustrated and anxious around their math homework (all while losing valuable play and family time), Aimee began to ponder the value of traditional homework. She started to read a growing body of research that disproved the idea that homework has academic benefits in the early grades. Join us in a provocative conversation about the trials and tribulations of homework, and alternative activities to do instead that promote growth and learning.

A few notes: We were recording on site at our school, and, as luck would have it, there was construction going on. So, you might hear a little bit of background sounds from time to time because hey, that's what happens when you record at a school!

Also, Around 36 minutes into the interview the AC kicked on by itself. Sorry.

Show Notes:

0:00 Introduction
0:55 Meeting Aimee
6:29 Aimee explains the backstory to her opening up the conversation on homework with our elementary section.
25:31 The research behind no homework
28:57 TIIMS study findings
35:52 Some of the different kinds of homework teachers at our school are given, and some of the difficulties we have encountered.
39:45 Parent feedback about the new homework practices at our school
44:46 Activities parents can do at home with their children instead of traditional homework.
46:52 Bonding through TV
51:30 Knitting and the math mind
56:37 Aimee's advice to teachers looking to revamp the homework they give


The Case Against Homework: Sarah Bennett and Nancy Kalish

Tiims (International Data): Research study (international ratings). They went into math classrooms and studied students in math for 45 minutes and those in class for an hour and a half. Tiims found that the amount of on-task time (or engagement) in the math classroom, the more students achieved. Therefore, the amount of time we have is not as important as

Planning Period Podcast: Podcast show that I interviewed on.

Happier with Gretchin. Podcast episode 128.


Twitter: @TamiJ123
Podcast show notes & listen online:
Facebook page: Time to Teach
Facebook Groups:
Teachers for Effective Curriculum
Teachers Who Podcast (a group for educators who also podcast):
My blog: Notes From A First Grade Classroom:

Music Credits:
Adventures by A Himitsu @a-himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Music released by Argofox Music provided by Audio Library PACIFIC SUN by Nicolai Heidlas Music Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Music provided by Audio Library


Check out this episode!


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